Friday, December 23, 2011

If Love Is For Always

? ? ? If Love Is For Always ? ? ? What Is The Difference Between LOVE & FRIENDSHIP ... If Love Has Fear Friendship Has Care ... If Love Breaks Friendship Friendship Breaks Hate ... If Love Gives Tears Friendship Gives Support ... If Love Makes Possessive Friendship Makes Cooperative ... If Love Ends On Hate Friendship Ends On Love ... If Love Is For Always Friendship Is Forever ... :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Father's day

This is my very first time to write again after 2 years I was drawn on my children needs. I am a mother and father of my kids. Things are change now. We have been far away from him. He is a brave husband and great father ever. we are very proud of him to be the man who always there when we needed. "Happy father's day Honey......"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Peristiwa di bulan Syawal:

: Perang Uhud (3 H.) Perang ini terjadi pada bulan Syawal tahun 3 H. di gunung Uhud, sebelah utara kota Medinah Al-Munawwarah. Kaum Quraisy telah mempersiapkan tiga ribu orang dari mereka dan sekutu mereka untuk membalas dendam kepada kaum Muslimin atas kekalahan telak yang mereka derita pada perang Badar. Ketika berita tentang hal itu sampai kepada Rasulullah saw. beliau langsung mengumpulkan para sahabatnya. Beliau meminta pendapat dari mereka tentang cara yang paling tepat untuk mengahdapi situasi ini. Setelah saling tukar pikiran dan pendapat, Nabi mulai memperjalankan pasukannya ke Uhud. Beliau mengambil posisi membelakangi gunung, dan berhadapan dengan pasukan musuh. Nabi mengamati medan pertempuran dengan teliti, lalu mengambil kesimpulan bahwa titik kelemahan pasukannya terletak di bagian belakang. Dari itu beliau memerintahkan lima puluh orang yang pandai memanah untuk naik ke puncak tinggi di belakang mereka. Di kemudian hari terkenal dengan gunung pemanah. Dan untuk memimpin mereka ini Nabi menunjuk Abdullah bin Jubair al-Anshari. Kepada mereka ini, Nabi berpesan dengan tegas, "Lindungi bagian belakang kita, agar kita tidak diserang dari arah kalian." Mereka diperintahkan untuk terus memanah pasukan Musyrikin dan tidak meninggalkan posisi mereka, baik kaum Muslimin menang atau kalah. Karena pentingnya posisi itu, Nabi mengulangi pesannya itu berkali-kali. Pertempuranpun pecah, pertama-tama kemenangan berada di pihak pasukan Muslimin. Tetapi mereka ceroboh dan tidak sabar. Mereka mengira peperangan telah usai. Yang berada di medan meninggalkan pertempuran dan sibuk mengumpulkan harta rampasan. Sedangkan yang di atas gunung melanggar perintah Nabi dan perintah komandan mereka, Abdullah bin Jubair. Mereka meninggalkan posisi semula dan ikut sibuk mengumpulkan harta rampasan. Pada situasi yang demikian itu, Khalid bin al-Walid yang ketika itu belum masuk Islam mengambil kesempatan. Bersama pasukan berkudanya menyambar dari arah belakang. Memanfaatkan celah yang ditinggalkan oleh pasukan pemanah. Diapun akhirnya mampu membalik kemenangan menjadi di pihak pasukan Musyrikin. Di pihak pasukan Muslimin sebanyak tujuh puluh orang tentara gugur mati syahid. Perang Uhud merupakan pelajaran pahit bagi kaum Muslimin. Allah mengingatkan keteledoran mereka ini dengan menurunkan lebih dari enam puluh ayat di surah Ali Imran. Dia menjelaskan bahwa sebab utama kekalahan mereka adalah tidak menaati perintah Rasul dan terlalu rakus dalam mengumpulkan harta rampasan. --------------------------------------------- Perang Ahzab (5 H.) Setelah Nabi saw. hijrah ke Medinah, kaum Yahudi merasa dengki dan merayu kaum Quraisy beserta para sekutunya untuk memerangi kaum Muslimin. Untuk kepentingan itu, berangkatlah delegasi yang dipimpin oleh Huyai bin Abi Ahthab ke Mekah. Sesampainya di sana mereka mengadakan perundingan dengan kaum Quraisy dan berjanji akan membantu mereka dalam memerangi kaum Muslimin. Juga mengatakan, bahwa mereka telah mengadakan kesepakatan dengan Yahudi Bani Quraizah yang masih tinggal di Medinah untuk bergabung dengan mereka jika penyerbuan kepada kaum Muslimin dilakukan. Kaum Quraisy menerima tawaran itu. Delegasi kemudian melanjutkan perjalanannya menuju kabilah Ghathafan dan Bani Asad. Mereka melakukan hal yang sama terhadap kedua kabilah terakhir ini. Dan di akhir safarinya, delegasi Yahudi tersebut berhasil menghimpun pasukan sebesar sepuluh ribu tentara yang berasal dari suku Quraisy dan sekutu-sekutunya, Ghathafan, dan Bani Quraizah. Mereka telah siaga untuk menyerbu Medinah. Peristiwa ini terjadi pada bulan Syawal tahun kelima Hijriah. Pada saat hal itu sampai kepada Rasulullah saw. beliau langsung mengumpulkan para pemuka sahabat untuk meminta pendapat mereka. Mereka berpendapat, karena banyaknya jumlah pasukan musuh, sebaiknya kaum Muslimin bertahan saja di dalam kota Medinah. Dan untuk itu perlu disiapkan persedian hidup dalam kepungan yang panjang. Pada saat itu Salman al-Farisi memikirkan suatu siasat yang belum biasa digunakan dalam tradisi peperangan Arab. Yaitu dengan menggali parit di sebelah barat laut kota Medinah untuk menahan penyerangan pasukan Ahzab (sekutu) dari arah tersebut. Adapun arah-arah lain telah terlindungi oleh hutan kurma, yang sulit ditembus oleh pasukan berkuda. Paritpun selesai digali dalam waktu seminggu. Ketika itu Nabi saw. ikut mengambil bagian bersama para sahabatnya dalam menggalinya. Dan dalam situasi yang sulit itu beliau sempat menyampaikan kabar gembira kepada kaum Muslimin tentang penaklukan Syam (Suriah), Irak, dan Yaman. Selanjutnya, pasukan sekutupun datang. Di benak mereka bukan hanya harapan kemengangan, tetapi meraka optimis akan mampu memusnahkan kaum Muslimin. Tetapi mereka kaget tidak kepalang tidak kepalang pada saat samapi di Medinah dan mendapatkan parit di depan mata mereka. Mereka belum terbisa dengan taktik perang seperti itu. Pada saat salah seorang dari mereka berusaha menyeberang parit, mati seketika itu juga. Kaum Musliminpun terlindungi oleh parit itu. Tetapi mereka tetap saja merasakan kesusahan karena panjangnya masa kepungan. Pada saat-saat susah seperti, datanglah penyelamat. Naim bin Masud, yang telah masuk Islam, tanpa diketahui oleh yang lain, dan datang bersama pasukan Sekutu sanggup untuk mengurangi penderitaan kaum Muslimin. Diapun lalu diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah untuk memecah hubungan antara pasukan sekutu dan Bani Quraizah yang telah melanggar perjanjian mereka dengan Nabi dan bergabung dengan pasukan Sekutu pada saat penyerangan. Naim berhasil dalam misinya itu. Dia berhasil menanamkan keragu-raguan ke dalam hati Bani Quraizah dan pasukan Sekutu. Dan Allahpun mengirimkan pertolongan-Nya. Dia mengirimkan angin kencang yang merobohkan tenda-tenda dan memadamkan tungku-tungku mereka. Atas kehendak-Nya keadaanpun kemudian berbalik menjadi ramah kepada kaum Muslimin. Melihat hal itu Abu Sufyan, Panglima pasukan Ahzab pada saat itu, melihat tidak ada gunanya lagi berdiam lebih lama di situ. Dia memerintahkan pasukannya untuk pulang. Merekapun pulang semuanya. Atas kejadian itu Nabi berkomentar, “Sekarang kita yang memerangi dan bukan mereka.” --------------------------------- Perang Hunain (8 H.) Setelah pembebasan kota Mekah sebuah berita sampai kepada Nabi saw. bahwa kabilah Hawazin dan Tsaqif telah berkumpul di lembah Hunain untuk memerangi kaum Muslimin. Nabi lalu memerintahkan pasukannya untuk bersiap-siap menghadapi mereka pada bulan Syawal tahun 8 H. Setelah mendapat tambahan dari penduduk Mekah yang bergabung, jumlah pasukan Muslimin sebanyak dua belas ribu orang tentara. Selanjutnya, pasukan itu bertolak menuju lembah Hunain. Sesampainya di sana mereka dikejutkan oleh pasukan Hawazin dan Tsaqif yang berada di lembah-lembah dan gunung-gunung. Hampir saja mereka dapat mengalahkan pasukan Muslimin. Sebagian pasukan Muslimin lari karena keterkejutan itu. Hanya sedikit, sekitar sepuluh orang saja, yang menetap bersama Nabi. Dengan suara tinggi Nabi berseru kepada kaum Muslimin, “Aku Nabi, bukan kebohongan, aku putra Abdul Muthallib.” Melihat keteguhan dan keberanian Nabi, kaum Muslimin kembali menyatu di belakang Nabi. Selanjutnya, mereka melancarkan serangan dahsyat dan berakhir dengan kemenangan. Berhasil membunuh tentara musuh dalam jumlah besar, menawan sekitar enam ribu orang, dan mendapatkan banyak harta rampasan. Perlu kita catat bahwa sebab kekalahan yang hampir menimpa kaum Muslimin adalah kesilauan mereka terhadap jumlah mereka yang banyak. Mereka mengatakan, “Pada hari ini kita tidak mungkin dikalahkan oleh pasukan yang sedikit.” Maka Allah hendak memberikan pelajaran kepada mereka bahwa jumlah yang banyak saja belum cukup, tetapi harus ada pertolongan Allah. ------------------------ ------- " No Matter How Your Heart is Grieving...if You Keep On Believing...The Dream That You Wish Will Come True..." Do The Best, And Let God Do The Rest .

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things are to be used but people are to be loved.

While a man was polishing his new car, his 4 yrs.old son pick up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car..In anger,the man took the child's hand and hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.When the child saw his father.. with paint full eyes he asked" Dad when will my fingers grow back?". The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kick it a lot of times.Devastated by his own actions...sitting in front of the car he looked at the scratches; The child had written " LOVE YOU DAD". The next day the man committed suicide. Anger and love have no limits; Choose the love to have beautiful, lovely life.. Things are to be used and people are to be loved but the problem in today's world is that.people are used and things are loved. Let's be careful to keep this thought in mind;
Things are to be used but people are to be loved. .--.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pengajar Sejarah di Universitas Limerick, Irlandia Ungkap Buyut Yesus Melalui Manuskrip Kuno

IRLANDIA, RIMANEWS - Menyambut Natal, ada cerita mengenai asal-usul Yesus dengan lebih detail. Salah satu yang akan menambah pengetahuan tentang Yesus adalah hasil penelitian Catherine Lawless, pengajar sejarah di Universitas Limerick, Irlandia. Ia berhasil mengungkap buyut Yesus alias nenek dari Maria.

Menurut telaah Lawless pada dua manuskrip, yaitu "MS Panciatichiano 40" dari abad 14 dan "MS 1052" of the Riccardiana Library dari abad 15 milik milik Florence's National Central Library, buyut Yesus adalah seorang perempuan bernama Ismeria.

"Saya pikir tidak ada wanita lain yang disebutkan. Garis patrilineal Maria adalah satu-satunya," kata Lawless yang hasil telaahnya dipublikasikan dalam Journal of Medieval History. Telaah itu memberikan pencerahan terhadap silsilah Yesus dan Maria serta nilai-nilai religius pada abad 14.

Lawless mengurai lebih detail tentang sosok Ismeria. "Ismeria adalah putri Nabon orang Yudea dan keturunan Raja Daud. Ia menikah dengan Santo Liseo," urai Lawless. Pasangan itu memiliki putri bernama Anne yang kemudian menikah dengan Joachim. 12 tahun kemudiann, Liseo meninggal dunia.

Dalam manuskrip tersebut disebutkan bahwa setelah kematian suaminya, Ismeria ditinggalkan oleh keluarganya dalam kemiskinan. "Saya tidak yakin apakah itu keluarga suaminya atau saudara kandungnya," kata Lawless. Menurutnya, keluarga Maria tak akan dibuang dengan cara seperti itu.

Ismeria kemudian mencari perlindungan ke tempat semacam rumah sakit. Ia pernah melakukan mukjizat, yaitu mengisi cangkang dengan ikan untuk memberi makan pada pasien rumah sakit. Setelah mukjizat itu, ia berdoa agar dibebaskan dari kesombongan dunia.

Setelah Tuhan memanggil Ismeria ke Surga, kepala rumah sakit memberitahukan pada Maria dan Yesus. Keduanya kemudian datang beserta 1 rasul, Maria Magdalena, Maria Salomo dan Maria Chelopas. Mereka memberi penghormatan terakhir pada Ismeria.

Belum diketahui penulis dari mana legenda Ismeria itu berasal. Lawless beranggapan, penulisnya bisa jadi orang awam dari Tuscany. "Cerita ini mungkin dipakai sebagai model bagi para istri dan janda di rumah sakit di Florence pada masa pertengahan," kata Lawless.

"Nenek dari Maria ini tak memiliki janda lain yang menuntut hak waris anak-anaknya. Ia juga tak memiliki keluarga yang memaksanya untuk menikah lagi dan memulai hidup baru. Kehidupannya merupakan model hidup ideal bagi perempuan Florence masa itu," urai Lawless.

George Ferzoco, peneliti dari University of Bristol mengungkapkan bahwa telaah manuskrip tersebut sangat brilian, mampu menelaah materi religi yang kebanyakan manuskripnya ditulis secara khusus untuk perempuan.

Sementara itu, Carolyn Muessig dari Departemen Teologi dan Studi Agama Universitas Bristol mengatakan, "Hal yang mengejutkan dari Ismeria adalah, dia menjadi model bagi perempuan-perempuan lainnya." Ia juga mengungkapkan, munculnya cerita Ismeria pada abad pertengahan juga menggambarkan budaya masyarakat abad pertengahan yang menganggap penting arti perempuan. [mam]
sumber :

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Illegal Immigrant: Militarized the U.S – Mexico border

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Illegal Immigrant: Militarized the U.S – Mexico border

Yunera Theresia
Strayer University

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This report deals with the issues facing Illegal Immigrant in U.S – Mexico border. Should America militarize its border? The purposes of militarizing the border as means to fight against drug and weapon dealers, block Mexico’s emigrant, and defend the homeland. . Addition on training and incorporates with the latest cutting-edge military equipment makes U.S army outstanding fighter makes them the most dangerous as guard. Case study was used in this research because it would bring clear explanation and could answer research questions. Methods of data collection were appropriate written documents (newspaper, magazine, and online articles) and audiovisual (television, documenter film).

Illegal Immigrant 3
The research paper would not be complete without the recognition of many key of people. I thankful to my Professor Linda A. Hendry, for her support so I can finish my research and accomplish my goal. She taught me how to make interesting topic so I can express my ideas. She showed me how to make a topic not to broad. I also thank to Catonsville library and its employees for helping me to get books which related with my topic. The last but not least, I thank to my husband for his patient, advice, understanding and for reminding me that my research should be useful and serve good purposes for all humankind.

Illegal Immigrant 4
Abstract 2
Acknowledgement 3
Introduction 5
Context of the problem 5
Statement of the problem 5
Main research Question 6
Research Sub-Question 7
Significance of the study 7
Research Design and Methodology 8
Organization of the Study 11
Review Literature 11
Result 15
Summary 17
Conclusion 18
Recommendation 18
Reference 20
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

Illegal Immigrant 5
Illegal Immigrant: Militarized the U.S – Mexico border

Beginning in 1930s, The United States began to clamp down on the two – thousand – mile border which spread out from San Diego to Rio Grande Valley. It was gradually militarize after 1950s, the purposes of militarizing the border as means to fight against drug and weapon dealers, block Mexico’s emigrant, and defend the homeland .
Starting from San Diego – Rio Grande Valley, The US troops are on task. To fight against drug, it was the first task on US soldier but now they have another mission, barricade Mexico’s emigrant.
Only a few years after American militarized its border with the cutting-edge military high tech and used effectively, the decease victim continues to heighten. A number people were missing, injured while crossing the border and that were not include other shape of crimes like abuse and terror. The installment of enforcement strategy forced Mexican to across US- Mexico cross the border with danger ways. They crossed the mountain with below temperatures, rode with truck, swamp the rivers, were shot at or beaten by local people because they across private area. More than thousand illegal immigrants died including children, women and men. Despite of the awful human loss, the idea of prevent the heavy flow of illegal immigrants by militarized the border has been changed.
The militarize border has been politically reason for American citizens to protect their culture and their economy. It was stereotype against immigrants. If not suspected of terrorism or laziness, being illegal was to be suspected of taking gain of welfare program or health care facility, and the worst is being to be drug dealer. In fact, illegal immigrants accomplish that need. It means that they do what Americans do not want to do. No matter how hard and dangerous that job they are willing to take a risk.
Illegal Immigrant 6
Although so many people have died because of militarizing the border, U.S government give more additional national troops and new high tech hardware to the border. Almost in years, illegal immigrants always in debated but it hasn’t found the solution yet.
For too long, Illegal and legal Immigrant is the one of the biggest problem in The United States because it has been difficult task to handle by huge flow of legal and illegal immigrant. And now, the problem of illegal immigrants becomes interesting when they have an addition to using the U.S military more broadly to retain the homeland against Mexico’s emigrants.
In addition to providing a source for research, personal opinion from radio or television, internet, newspaper, and magazine are secondary resource. Primary resources that related with the topic lifted from books, and library sources. This research paper is aimed to arouse reader a deeper understanding of the issue debated and intended to help readers achieve this goal.
By militarized the border has produce death and fear of Mexico’s emigrant. The militarized of the border are counted developing personnel, sentry – duty with armed forces, the development of military of technology, and the erection of border wall. The team guard also expert with various of equipment. Million of dollar was spent by nation to built five border fences in California and Arizona with underground sensor, encrypted radios, infrared night scopes and huge amount of new lighting, and counted thousand additional border guard. History of the appearance border obstruct waved of Mexico’s emigrant, blocked movement has been neither the caution nor the virtually of political, conduct of political display, an image of control, and the transformed barrier between U.S and Mexico.
Main Research Question
1. Why U.S government militarized the U.S – Mexico border?
2. How advanced the equipment in the border?
Illegal Immigrant 7
3. What is the impacts by militarized the border ?
Research Sub – Question
1. How much money U.S government spent to finance the project of the gate keeper?
2. What about environment near border, is there any influenced?
3. Is border agents bring the prosperity or contrary effects for people near the
4. What about the world opinion about the militarized U.S – Mexico border, they agree
or disagree.
5. What unities involved to guard gate keeper?
6. How many Mexican died across the border?
7. Is the project of gatekeeper harm any countries?
8. Why more Mexican died after U.S government militarized the border?
Significance of the study
Habitually, worry about the out of control the border in US debate and policy has always been about 1.951 miles of the US - Mexico border and never about 4000 miles of US – Canadian border. In cities, including the main cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston, Immigration Law execution operation too are leaded in workplace, neighborhood, and colony of the Mexican population even in the propinquity of other illegal immigrants such as the Canadian, Irish, and Polish. This is the most interesting to study about where among undocumented nations presented unfairly treatment.
Another interesting fact to study with, The main effects of the United States strategies to daunt illegal immigrant from Mexico are futile barrier of transitional movement, their main
Illegal Immigrant 8
effects to control migration further underground with critical result for the undocumented themselves. More border agents and military assistance at the border only re address the trend of illegal immigrants to remote areas. Detaining entry was developing the danger to migrants as they approached to dangerous area of the border.
In addition, tighten border performance do not prevent aliens from entering America, but do damp them from returning home. Once they return to their home they probably cannot enter to U.S again. In that reason they prefer to choose remain in U.S as long as they could possibly can. Moreover, Racism, segregation, and exclusion are familiar and always happened for Mexico – origin in United States. The United States is superpower country, it shouldn’t happen in United States if we read from its historical about racism in U.S long time ago.

The study was a case study that also incorporated factor of phenomenological study. The purposes of those research design were understood one situation in great depth; focused on a few cases; methods of data collection were appropriate written documents ( newspaper, magazine, and online articles) and audiovisual (television, documenter film); (Leedy.D.Paul and Ormrod Ellis Jeanne 144). Case study was used in this research because it would bring clear explanation and could answer research questions and the most important is would be contribute to people knowledge about the issue of militarized U.S - Mexico border.

Data Collection Process
Data acquired in the varied cases in order to support understanding the phenomena and its relationship. I was colleted data from :
Illegal Immigrant 9

I conducted of observations of 10 American-Mexican citizens, 10 American-African citizens, and 10 undocumented immigrants. Those participants mostly are worker, married and lower education. These observations totaled 15 visits ranging in length. The shortest observation was 10 minutes and the longest was 30 minutes.
I was looking something might be different with each participants performance. Starting from the closes that they wore, hair style, and accent were totally different from each other.

I observed their attitude, opinion and issue among Illegal Immigrant.

Conversation and interview
I had conversation and interviews with participants who concern about the topic. Those participants were giving much contribution with this research. When I was doing my observation I found some information was useful and some was not useful because sometimes they presented with incorrect answer or the answer was overcome that I can not considered it. Carry a small note book and pen helped me to memorize detail of conversation and something interesting.
The interview with the participants consist of the following questions :
1. What do you know so far about the illegal immigrant?
Illegal Immigrant 10
2. What do you feel when you read in magazine or newspaper or television that few Mexican who died crossed the border?
3. What do you know about militarized the border?
4. How do you feel working or walking side by side with different nation than you are?
5. Tell me about yourself or your ancestor when you/they reached America
6. Do you have suggestion what happened with undocumented in the future?
These other interviews were often in the form of brief conversations during time work, and phone conversation. I was carrying a small note which supported my success interview.

Documents sources involved the uses of my diaries, newspaper, television, journal, online magazine and newspaper. I collected research from various primary and secondary resources. Once I got comment in my mind I was reread again. Underline, highlight the sentences that interested me and I noted down obvious contradictory evident. For my secondary I began at library and searched in Web. I went to my county public library and head with the online catalog like I followed the instruction on the screen computer and chose “title, author, and keyword”. Usually I was hit with a keyword based on my research question or my thesis. Journal articles helped me to get close with the subject I was looking for, instead journal articles as the same valuables with books for most disciplines. I also sought Scholarly journal, periodicals, popular periodical, and sensational periodical. And I evaluated resources from online information such as finding people to get information in mailing list or access to government document, information from huge association, and issue from web and articles on digital.
Illegal Immigrant 11
Organization of the Study
In this study, the researcher presents data analysis continual and emergent process. The data were gathered, consolidate into groups, decreased, and interpreted so that the study would become more detailed. This paper divided into four chapters. Each chapter was different both in context and in format.
Chapter I : Introduction
In introduction provided seven sections that include context of problem, statement of the problem, main research question, research sub question, significance of the study, research design and methodology, and organization study.
1. Context problem argued about the problem of U.S was used military defend to protect the influx of immigrants. I extract information from the statement of the problem. It was starting from background, purposes, and reason of militarized the U.S – Mexico border by U.S government.
2. Statement of the problem was the answer of research question. The impact of militarize the border.
3. Main research question basically stemmed from three research questions
4. Research Sub –question was eight sub questions that supported my main research.
5. Significance of study provided a detail of interpretation of topic.
6. Research design and methodology section explained why I used my design is a more a case study and a little phenomenological.
7. Organization of the study explained brief about the hole chapter.
Chapter II : Review of Literature

Illegal Immigrant 12
I divided literature review into seven areas which related with my topic. The data I collected from books obtain at the library, periodical, and online articles and journal.
a. The alert of southern border
The international border between Mexico and The U.S run from : In the west, San Diego, California, Tijuana, Baja California; In the east, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and Brownville, Texas( This story captures the impact of border militarization as embodied in the four – part federal project begun in 1993 to “take control” of the U.S – Mexico border. Operation Gatekeeper in California, Operation Safe guard in Arizona, and Operations Hold the Line and Rio Grande in Texas employ similar strategy (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p. 204). The border’s total is 1.951 miles (3,141 km)
( Operation Gatekeeper, for instance, began by spanning sixty – six miles from the Pacific Ocean through San Diego and into the mountains, and has been expanded into Yuma, Arizona. It includes a seventy-three-mile-long, ten-foot-high steel wall. Secondary fences span fifty-two of those miles, and a triple fences span fourteen miles, from the Pacific Ocean to the Otay Mountains (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p. 205).
b. Law enforcement along border
In Califonia’s Imperial Valley, soldier from an antidrug task force hunker over night vision equipment to watch for illegal border crossings. At the San Diego port of entry, National guards inspect vehicles. In the Arizona desert, heavily- armed Marines, DEA nondescript building on an army base near El Paso, military translators, linguistics, and analysts decipher intercepted messages and feed the results into massive, interlinked databases. And the night skies across the southwest, the drone of military reconnaissance aircraft break the desert silence ( High-tech, two-layer fences have been set up at some portions of
Illegal Immigrant 13
the border, and they have been effective (Tancredo, 2006, p.110). Since 1992, we have increased our border patrol by over 35 %; deployed underground sensor, infrared night scopes, and encrypted radios; built miles of new fences; and installed massive amount of new lighting (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.203). In Laredo, agents are stationed like sentries high on the bluffs overlooking the Rio Grande, stadium lighting, 24/7 remote video monitor, seismic motion detectors, and other high tech devices guard the well-worn paths up along the Riverbank (Gerdes, Glassman, Szumski, and Cothran, 2005, p.109).
c. The border agents
In San Diego sector alone, some 350 members of Marine and Army units more
than double the current NationalGuard and Pentagon contingent ( The number of agents increased by 82 percent (Chacon & Davis, 2006, 203).Since 2001, The Bush administration has increased the number of border agents from about 9,000 to 13,000 ( Tancredo, 2006, p.121). The number of personnel went up 82 % (Chacon & David, 2006, p.202).
d. The high cost
Des 2006, Homeland Security bill was $32 billion for large increases for the border enforcement and additional border patrol agents (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.202).
e. The influx of immigrants
INS officials claim a 30% apprehension rate of migrants along the border, with a record 1,643,679 apprehension in year 2000. While apprehensions in San Diego have decline from 450,152 in 1994 to 151,681 in 2000, the number of apprehension east of San Diego has increased 761 % in El Centro, 351 percent in Arizona, 55 % in Texas. In 2004, the border patrol apprehended 1, 1 million migrant crossers and 2005 1,2 million (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.210). To put the problem into perspective, in single six-month period-from October 2003 to March
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2004-some 500.000 people were able to pass through just one sector of our southern border at Tucson, Arizona. How do we know that many illegal passed through? During that same time, the border patrol apprehended bout 250,000 illegals. And the border patrol estimates that at least two or three illegals through for every one it apprehends (Tancredo, 2006, p.101).
f. The increase of death
Since the inception of border militarization in 1994, the death toll continues at an increasing rate. 460 people died, over last fiscal year in 2000, 383 people died and this does not include the unknown number of missing or those injured while crossing (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.205). 500 % increase in border – crossing deaths since the inception of the program (Chacon & David, 2006, p.208). While the death toll rises, other form of terror and abuse can also be attributed to the border patrol & other U.S agencies, sexual abuse of men and women, denial of medical attention, abusive, and racially derogatory (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.207).
g. Political
Border militarization has failed to stem migration because it ignores the structural processes that push people make desperate sojourns looking for work, but as Peter Andres argues, this failure is also its greatest success (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.206). Since the 1970s has the idea of a border been transformed from a political partition between two countries to that of a “fortress barrier” the last line of defense of the “homeland”(Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.201) U.S Senator John Mc Cain of Arizona has advised the senate, “vigilante groups have formed, taking up arms, and taking the law into their own hands because they do not believe the federal government is doing its job at preventing illegal immigration at the border. We simply cannot tolerate this type of violence at the border (Gerdes, Glassman, Szumski, and Cothran, 2005, p.104). Carter and Reagan both used the issue of imminent immigrant invasion as justification to
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increase funds for border militarization. Under The Carter administration, the budget for the border patrol rose by 24%. Reagan radically altered public perception of the border by portraying it as a doorway for the three greatest “threats” to U.S : hordes of poor migrants, Central American subversives, Narco traffikers (Chacon & David, 2006, p.202).
Chapter III : Result and Hypotheses
Answer the research questions and hypothesis.
Chapter IV : Summary, Conclusion and Recommended
Summarized of research proposal, conclusion and recommendation.

The U.S-Mexico border the most frequently crossed international border in this planet. It began from the west, San Diego – In the East Matamoros. Militarized the boarder is association of new border fences, developed border guard, the advanced military hardware & training. Army and marine unit guard in border multiply than two the current National guard and Pentagon. The increase of bill’s Homeland Security was for immense increase for border enforcement and more border patrol agents. With over 12,000 agents, the border patrol is the largest federal law enforcement body.
Most of my interviewer are disagree about the idea militarizing the U.S-Mexico border. They believe that there is another way to decrease people from crossing the border.
Why U.S government militarized the U.S – Mexico border?
The essential point of militarized the border appear since 1950s with the purposes to prevent the influx of immigrants from Mexico. Additional reasons are the threats, threats of poor immigrants and narco traffikers.
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The movement of the idea militarizing the border has changed, nation perception of the border as a battle and undocumented become enemies.
How advanced the high tech in the border?
The border U.S – Mexico runs from West and East :
a. San Diego: It is a port of entry, National Guards include members of Marine and Army always prepared with monitor electronic sensor, staff night – vision scopes, complete with artificial communications and transportation, and aerial surveillance.
b. California, in huge valley of California, U.S soldiers are on duty. Antidrug task force watched for illegal border crossing with overnight vision equipment.
c. In El Paso, Operation Alliance consists of military personnel and the border patrol, Task Force 6 helped curb the flow of illegal immigrants.
d. Soldiers and National Guard assisted to enforce the drug trafficking laws. That mission completely prepared with: Ground and aerial reconnaissance, including sensors, listening posts, observation posts, ground surveillance radar, and ground patrols; Training in patrol techniques, helicopter insertions and extractions, operations and intelligence, and Advance Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain; Logistical support, primarily engineering projects such as barrier erection road repair, and range construction; Research to identify and demonstrate technologies combining military and law enforcement applications.
What is the impacts militarizing the border?
It is clear that the impact of militarizing the border occurred between U.S and Mexico. In fact, there is no strong answer to tell that militarizing the border brought great success but perhaps the number of illegal immigrants crossing dropped in the last few years. Now, the
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border is the symbol of frightened for unwanted immigrants crossing border. Other impact is the highest cost of the military equipment made U.S spent millions to finance the operation of gatekeeper. Contradictory fact occurred in Mexico, The increase the death of Mexican.

The purposes of militarizing the border to fight against drug and weapon dealer, block Mexico’s emigrant, and defend the homeland. The border runs from San Diego – Rio Grande Valley, it is about 1.951 miles (3,141 km). Each port – border guarded by U.S troops that are on the task. The High Tech military tools and the trained of border guard drop the number of unwanted immigrants and smuggling drugs, and criminal. While the death toll increases because of militarizing the border. The militarizing U.S – Mexico border produce fear and frightened of Mexico’s emigrant. Million of dollar was spent by nation to built five border fences in California and Arizona with underground sensor, encrypted radios, infrared night scope and huge amount of light, and counted thousand additional border guard. The most interesting to study about is among undocumented nations presented unfairly treatment as speak of humanity and consideration. Moreover, the effect U.S strategies to daunt illegal immigrant from Mexico are futile barrier of transitional movement, their main effects to control migration further underground with the critical result for the undocumented themselves. Tightening the border performances do not prevent aliens from entering America, but damp them from returning home. The design of this research was a case study incorporate factor of phenomenological study. Methods of data collection were appropriate written documents and audiovisual. Data collection acquired in the varied cases and those data was collected by observation, conversation and interview, and documents.
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The U.S military is the most powerful force in record. Addition on training and incorporates with the latest cutting-edge military equipment makes U.S army outstanding fighter makes them the most dangerous as guard. The troops in border definitely can contact directly with civilians. We suppose to be worry because U.S troops can lead tragedy. In 1997, a Marine anti-drug patrol shot and killed 18 year – old high school student Esquile Hernandez, who was carrying a. 22 caliber rifle while tending goats on his own farm in Redford, Texas near the Mexican border. The justice department paid out $ 1.9 million to the Hernandez family as settlement of a wrongful death lawsuit ( Haerens. P. 117). When we talked about politics, and individual or nation necessity to protect homeland or other reason which idea of militarizing the border came out we also never forget about humanity. How much pain and suffering hurt some Mexicans go through when they become free by crossing the border. These immigrants only want to know what it feels like to live a life from poverty. No body realized unless they travel to border cities and see exactly what happens there. The Mexicans save money their entire lives to cross border but when they stopped by border agent put a damper on all their dreams about. With all the crushed dream, large operation to stop immigrants it never weaken immigrants to try days cross the border which separate them from freedom. Although his friends die, his relatives injured or his brother is disappeared, they don’t even care, they still try to fulfill their dreams.

In this research paper I have analyzed 80 % of the available data and found the effects of militarizing the U.S – Mexico border. Has this been an effective way of controlling the influx of the Mexicans seeking work in U.S? Each data were appeared with pro or cons, on one hand its
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militarization which become extreme so the wall should be taken down. On the other hand, the border must remain militarized and closed. The result of the research showed that militarizing the U.S – Mexico border with U.S military force, training and incorporates with the latest cutting-edge military equipment is not essential need to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants. I recommend through this research paper :
1. Put the humanity in the middle of Immigrants problems.
2. Find a better way to exceed illegal immigrants without endangers them because most of Mexicans who died crossing the border are innocent people who want looking for job to get a better life.
3. It is true that The U.S – Mexico border is the most popular route for drug and smugglers but is it true that militarized the border decreased drug dealer and smugglers? In fact, the marijuana fields destroyed were in central California (Chacon & Davis, 2006, p.207). Examine and inform where the central focus of dug dealer.

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Andryszewski, T. (1995). Immigration: Newcomers and their impact on the United
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Tancredo, T. (2006). In Mortal Danger: The battle for America’s Border and security. Nashville, Tennese: WND BOOKS.

Appendix 1
The Mexico – USA Border

Appendix 2
Apprehension by Southwest Border Sector

City 2002 2003 2004 2005
San Diego, CA 2000 2100 2100 2000
El Centro, CA 1800 1900 1600 1600
Tucson, AZ 5000 6000 9000 8000
Yuma, AZ 1000 1500 2000 1900
El Paso,TX 3000 3100 3500 3500
Marfa, TX 2000 1500 1500 1500
Del Rio, TX 3000 4000 10000 20000
Laredo, TX 4000 8000 12000 15000
Mc Allen, TX 11000 15000 28000 60000

Source : CRS Analysis of CBP data

Appendix 3
Apprehensions by Southwest Border Sector

Source : CRS Analysis of CBP data
Note : 1 = 2002; 2 = 2003; 3 = 2004; 4 = 2005.